Exoskeleton EduExo PRO Auxivo

1,900.00 w/o VAT

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For teachers, students, researchers, hobbyists and makers

Educating Future Exoskeleton Pioneers

The Exoskeleton EduExo product line was developed to enable students, teachers, hobbyists and researchers to learn about and teach exoskeleton technology.
EduExo is developed by AUXIVO, a spinoff of ETH Zurich (Technical University of Zurich) specializing in exoskeletons in Switzerland.
Hartico OÜ, as Auxivo’s representative in the Baltic countries, has set itself the goal of bringing biomechanics-related knowledge and material technologies of exoskeletons to as many educational institutions and circles of interest as possible.
Our motivation is always to make exoskeletons more accessible.
Our educational exoskeletons are an essential part of this mission.
Our EduExo Kits support aspiring exoskeleton experts and educators by providing exciting learning experiences at an affordable price.
Our EduExo are robotic exoskeleton kits that you can assemble and program yourself.